Learn directly from top industry talent through our remote educational portal & live SalesLab lessons.
HireTraining graduates earn an average of $60,000 OTE (on-target-earnings) in the first year after the program.
Upon graduation, HireTraining recruiters will prepare you for interviews & schedule interviews on your behalf.
…forward thinking organizations and their Sales or Recruiting Force of tomorrow. Currently, most young professionals enter sales and recruiting with little to no applicable skills and experience. Employers are directly impacted by this dilemma because they have no true measurement to predict success. This guessing game often leads to increased turnover, thus wasted time and money for both parties. HireTraining equips new professionals with the real world skills to make a difference on day one.
Learn MoreGraduates of HireTraining develop a skill set based on the foundational basics of selling, recruiting & communication. After watching lessons on our educational portal, students will complete a workshop associated with the information they have just learned. Students can also participate in live SalesLab experiences where they learn & gain real selling & recruiting experiences.
Learn MoreThe HireTraining Sales Lab provides you with real experience. You will learn & hone your skills in a live environment
Fine tune your individual skill set in personal coaching meetings with your HireTraining instructor.
We provide 14+ hours of educational videos for you to watch and learn from at your own pace. Take notes, rewind & rewatch as needed!